You are expecting a baby. CONGRATULATIONS!


You may choose us to accompany you and your family for prenatal and postnatal care. Even if you're already in the care of another midwife, you're still most welcome to make use of our courses in english language.


We are looking forward to see you!
For requests please use our contact form.

Antenatal class with partner in english language


This course will prepare you for the birth and the first time with your baby and you will have enough knowledge and security to be well informed and full of confidence when you give birth.


You will have videos in advance of the course to be prepared and during the time of the course there will be enough time for questions, birthpositions, massage and breathing exercises.


We talk about:

  • when does labour start
  • what kind of contractions are there
  • what can I do in advance
  • how can partners support
  • breastfeeding
  • postpartum care
  • and child care

Antenatal class weekly with partner

(partner fee 170 Euro, english videos + script)

Thursday 6 to 8:45 pm

05.09. to 10.10.24 - fully booked (not 3.10.)

07.11. to 05.12.24 - booking 


Antenatal class on weekends with partner

(partner fee 170 Euro, english videos + script)

Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm 

17. and 18.08.24 - fully booked

14. and 15.09.24 - fully booked

12. and 13.10.24 - fully booked

09. and 10.11.24 - booking

07. and 08.12.24 - booking


*With a german public health insurance course fees are covered. Those with private insurance should contact their insurance company. The partners fee may be claimed on the partners health insurance.

Antenatal class for 2nd or 3rd-time mothers in presence in english language

with one partner-class via Zoom on Friday 4 to 6 pm
(partner fee 50 Euro)

Monday 10 am to 1 pm

04.11. to 25.11.24 (+22.11.) booking


*With a german public health insurance course fees are covered. Those with private insurance should contact their insurance company. The partners fee may be claimed on the partners health insurance.

Baby care course in english language

sleeping, waking, comforting and pampering...what is "normal"?


The first days and weeks with a newborn are often more exciting than expected.

This baby care course begins where the birth preparation course ends and is intended to prepare you for the time with a child.


You will learn about:

How can we comfort, calm and hold our baby?

Sling, comfort carrier, HopTai carrier: what should it be?

What does the baby really need? A shopping list and lots of tips

Cloth diapers or disposable diapers? What are the advantages or disadvantages?

What can we do about "three months colic"?

and much more....


Friday 4 to 6 pm

09.08.24 fully booked


Midwife: Marie-Luise

Costs: 50 Euro

Pelvic floor workshop for pregnant women in english language

(ideal between the 24th and 30th week of pregnancy)

A healthy and strong pelvic floor is essential for your health and well-being far beyond the pregnancy and birth phase.

In this workshop, we will look at the function of your pelvic floor and the challenges that pregnancy poses for it. In a small group, you will learn awareness and strengthening exercises for pregnancy and the postpartum period and receive lots of useful tips on how to protect your pelvic floor in everyday life.


Wednesday 9 to 11 am with Tina

04.09.24 booking

16.10.24 booking

04.12.24 booking


Costs: 50 Euro

Breastfeeding class in english language

(open for all pregnant people, with or without previous breastfeeding experiences)

In this comprehensive breastfeeding class we will discuss the most imprtant factors and the latest science to prepare you for breastfeeding your baby. You will gain confidence and knowledge to embark on your breastfeeding journey, while connecting with other expectant mothers on a similar path.


You will learn about:

- Establishing your milk supply

- How to create a proper latch

- How to overcome common challenges

- The use of lactation tools

- How to create a nurturing environment for you and your baby


Friday 9 to 11 am with Amelie

27.09.24 booking

15.11.24 booking


Costs: 50 Euro

Postnatal exercises in english language

which is sports after giving birth, where we give a special focus on core fitness and your pelvic floor.
Babies are welcome. We recommend to start the postnatal excercise classes 8 to 10 weeks or later after giving birth. Therefore please register after giving birth to your baby.


Hybrid postnatal exercises

Tuesday (via Zoom) and Friday (in presence) 11:35 to 12:50 am with Tina

03.09. to 27.09.24 fully booked
05.11. to 29.11.24 

Tuesday 1 to 2:15 pm  (via Zoom) and Friday 2 to 3:15 pm (in presence) with Tina

05.11. to 29.11.24 booking


Online postnatal exercises via Zoom

Tuesday 1 to 2:15 pm and Friday 2 to 3:15 pm with Tina 

03.09. to 27.09.24 fully booked


*With a german public health insurance course fees are covered.